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Archaeological excavations have shown that ancient cultures, especially those developed along the Peruvian coast knew the cotton; and in the specific case of the Lambayeque region, it is known that meet until 11 varieties of colored cotton. In all archaeological excavations in the last 20 years have been found textile pieces with a finish first. In Caral from Lima and Santa Rosa by Pucalá, found textile pieces with a record of more than 3000 years BC so it is known that the ancient lambayecanos used cotton now called native cotton, to make beautiful garments, so we can say who dressed well. This cotton immense cultural wealth grows long in the wild without fertilizers, no pesticides, no chemicals in a totally unspoilt environment. We found fibers of different natural colors from white or beige to chocolate through green, almond brown and mauve. One of the attractions of native cotton is its color.

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